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Brevard Chapter, Florida

Sons of the American Revolution

Cape Canaveral Light

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Brevard DAR Chapters
Abigail Wright Chamberlin
Cape Canaveral
Commodore John Barry
Indian River
Philip Perry
Rufus Fairbanks

Florida Children of the American Revolution

Brevard Veterans Memorial Center (VMC)

Brevard County Libraries

Brevard Gen Web

Florida Historical Society

N. Brevard Historical Museum

Brevard Genealogical Society

The Genealogical Society or South Brevard

Hometown Heroes Alliance

Ultimate Guide to SARs

For proper American Flag Retirement:

Contact Scoutmaster Travis Terry
Troop 309

President Christopher RatzelThe National Society Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR) is celebrating 133+ years of service this year.  Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky S.A.R. is dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotic endeavor.   Most of the volunteer work of S.A.R. is accomplished under a committee system, sponsoring schools, scholarships, contests, and recognition for community service.  S.A.R. works to preserve our American heritage and supports current members and veterans of the military.  S.A.R. is non-political and does not lobby on the state or local level.

The Florida Society Sons of the American Revolution (FLSSAR) was organized in 1893.  Florida Sons are active in their communities preserving history, promoting education, and fostering patriotism.  Florida and Brevard Sons actively seek new members, working to assist prospective members with research into their family heritages.   Any male 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for Regular membership. Those under 18 can join as Junior Members. Currently there are 34 chapters with nearly 2,200 members. The FLSSAR is a not-for-profit 501.c.(3) corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida under the terms of a Certificate of Incorporation issued on March 9, 1972 by the Secretary of State of the State of Florida.

Florida Sons have placed historical markers, commemorating historical sites; they have helped preserve genealogical records and local histories in Florida.  Florida Sons have also helped commemorate historical events such as the Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Pensacola, and the Battle of Thomas Creek.  Members work with schools to promote youth programs and scholarship opportunities through such programs as the S.A.R. Good Citizens recognition and scholarship for high school seniors, activities for children of all ages, and various poster and essay contests.  Individually and as chapters, Florida Sons volunteer in their communities and for VA Hospitals, supporting active duty military as well as veterans.   Membership in the Sons of the American Revolution gives members an opportunity to form lifelong friendships and provides a framework for activities that support the NSSAR.

Christopher Ratzel
Brevard Chapter President

National Goals
"Historic, Patriotic, and Educational "

National Events
134rd National Congress
July 10, 2024 Lancaster, PA

State Events
October 20 - 21 2023, May 17 - 18 2024

Chapter Events
Last Naval Battle Ceremony
March 15, 2024 VMC Merritt Island, FL

LNB Flyer
LNB Registration Form

Eagle Scout Winner
Michael J. Kelly
Winning Essay on Gen Knox

250th Anniversary Form


Web hyperlinks to non-S.A.R. sites are not the responsibility of the NSSAR, the state organizations, or individual S.A.R chapters.
Contact Webmaster
Last Updated February 06, 2025

Hail Columbia